Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 34: Inseparable

Day 34: April 7, 2009

Hi Lan? What’s up? How’s your Tuesday has been? Feeling great today? I hope you are? R u counting the days to?

Haay being so far apart from you makes me realize how much I need you in my life. "Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder" is a true saying and I knew as soon as we parted that I would feel this way. But this statement is sorely understated. My heart has not only grown fonder, but it has grown deeper in love with you .

There is not a minute that goes by that i did not found myself thinking of you... I think about you in every way. I imagine you lying next to me. The very thought puts me at ease and makes me feel a level of security. And when I realize that you are still gone, I drop down once again into that great gulf of sadness only comforted by the fact that 11 days from now we will be together again.

It is when I feel the greatest sadness and emptiness of not having you by my side when I ultimately realize how much I need you in my life. Our short conversations and phone calls brighten my day for as long as I let them. I can only imagine how happy I will be when we are once again together and inseparable.

Yes, inseparable. I love the sound of this word. One day, we will be inseparable. I can not wait until that dream comes true. I need you. I miss you. I Love you.

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